Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Week 14- Representational, Abstract and Symbolic

This match lighter is representational because it is a lighter that represents a large match. This is funny or clever for the viewer because we all know that a match is also used to create fire. The flame even comes from the same area as would a real match. This lighter-match combines the aesthetic of a real match with the convenient functionality of a lighter to create a functional piece of art.

This piece of art is abstract because it is a stripped down version of an ocean-sunset scenery with only the bare essentials. There is just enough information here for us to make the correlation between this piece and what it actually represents in the real world without any intricate detail.
This is symbolic because it signifies that something is flamable by using two pieces of wood and a flame. People understand that stacking wood is a conventional and primal way to create fire. This symbol is stripped down completely to its bare essentials with no extra detail and is quite clear and universal.

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