Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 8 - Tone and Color

Tone is used in this example to help focus the eye into the middle of the design where the information of the record appears and also give the effect of a spherical 3-d object. A large dynamic tonal range also not only offers the viewer a wide array of colors, but also helps fade in and out of different colors to create a smooth gradient of very different colors.  The tonal change from red to black at the outside of the circle fades the circle out into black and provides the illusion of the top of a 3-d sphere. This smooth transition is much more interesting than a simple sharp edge, offering more color information and different dimensional possibilities.

Tone is interacting with the center circle of the record and title by surrounding it and emphasizing it. The eye is guided toward the middle of the record because of tonal changes from complete black on the outside corners to complete white on the inside. Along with tonal changes, changes in color are also happening going form the outside in. Darker colors are used on the outside corners and the colors lighten as we move into the center circle. 

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